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Why ALL Cops Are Bastards and Why Black Lives ALWAYS Matter

Police badges are very similar to slave patrol badges

*I just can’t wrap my head around why people choose to not accept that this country is built on systematic racism. Accept it and change it. Every person deserves to be treated with equity.

**There’s a lot of emotion in this and I am not sorry one single bit because I am ANGRY, as we all should be considering the number of lives being lost at the hands of racist pigs. We do not need to lose any more innocent lives. There’s no argument about that.

Systematic Racism: Discrimination based on race and ethnicity that takes many forms in every level of society.

Let’s have this conversation because I am really going to need people to start opening up their eyes and realize that yes, ALL cops are bastards. Every single one of them are part of the problem. They chose to join such a system that is built on racism. By becoming a cop, you are choosing the side of racism. Yes, some are “cool people” and what not but at the end of the day, they chose this career of oppressing people.

Let me start off by saying this: at the end of the day, we all have different opinions. But my opinion is based on what I see happening EVERY day. It is based on the fact that police officers abuse their power and kill innocent people. I know there are people who are going to say “but those people deserved it.” But did they? Did an innocent black man, George Floyd, 46, deserve to die over being accused of using a fake $20 bill? Did Tamir Rice, a 12-year old boy, deserve to lose his life at a park? Did the numerous amount of Black people deserve to be brutally murdered? Because if they were white, they would’ve lived to see another day, without a single doubt.

The fact that Black people are targeted every single day is pretty ridiculous. Why is that when Black people end up in the custody of the police, they are murdered? Whereas white people who are detained are taken to Mcdonalds for a meal? Do you see the difference there? Does that not bother you? If it doesn’t bother you, then I would really like to understand why you brush off the mistreatment of Black people so easily. Is it really that hard to accept that the system is built on racism? That sadly, cops aren’t sh*t. And that by choosing the side of the oppressors, you are choosing to let racism continue to be something prominent in our society.

The reason why ALL cops are bastards: They chose their job. They chose a job that enforces the status quo by enforcing laws that were put in place by the political class. A cop can be kind but their “duty” as a police officer to protect and serve the racist state makes them a bastard in every sense of the word. Now, the “good cops” who believe their pursuit of being an altruistic hero is something that can benefit society, they are choosing to be BLIND and ignorant of their own wicked career choice.

The police are nothing more than mere pigs being paid to serve the rich and people in a higher power. They are paid to harass the poor into fear and death. They are choosing to exploit everyday citizens for nothing more than a paycheck and a position of power. If their duty was to “protect and serve,” then why is there none of that when it comes to Black people? To poor people? To people of color?

The fact that the current police system is so corrupt is honestly so disgusting. Cops don’t have to understand laws to be able to enforce the laws. They can detain whoever they want for whatever reason that tickles their pickle. Whatever a cop says goes, even if they are wrong. Innocent people are locked up EVERY day because the justice system would rather have someone to take the blame than to actually put time and effort into investigating the situation to get the right person. It’s all about power for police officers and meeting their monthly marks of having x amount of tickets and arrests. Isn’t that crazy? That a system that is meant to protect and serve is solely focused on numbers?? Interesting to say the least.

How many more innocent Black lives are going to be lost until we change the damn system? Why is it so hard for people to be COMPASSIONATE? If you are telling me that nothing is wrong, then why is the whole world protesting right now? Every state and multiple countries are protesting right now because you know what, BLACK LIVES MATTER. It’s not a difficult thing to wrap your head around if you were just a compassionate human being. Would you like to be treated the way Black people do? No, because no human deserves to live their life in fear simply because of the color of their skin. And that’s why we are going to break this system and start something that is for the people.

My wish is for people to wake up. Please open your hearts and find the compassion within yourself to help others in need. We teach children every day to treat people how they would want to be treated. It’s a basic thing that apparently the world needs to be reminded of. Would the cops appreciate being pepper-sprayed when they’re peacefully protesting? Would cops appreciate being murdered as a teenager just because of the color of their skin? Please take some time to educate yourself for the bettering of our society. Unfortunately, we’re all stuck here so let’s make life safe and joyous for all.

To wrap this up, let me explain why Black Lives Matter and why the statement “All Lives Matter” is tone-deaf. No one is saying “only Black lives matter,” we are saying BLM because of the simple fact that Black lives are in danger every day. We need to fight because their lives DO MATTER!!!!!! It’s as simple as that.


“We live in, arguably, the most developed, powerful country in the world, yet we are still unable to find a way to keep corrupt cops from killing black men. Why is that?”

― Carlos Wallace

“Poverty is so concentrated because it is generational and, research shows, created with relentless intention.”

― Wes Moore, Five Days: The Fiery Reckoning of an American City

“There was a time when abolishing slavery was also a radical, unrealistic proposal.”

― @Telushk on twitter

Some facts for you:

Blacks make up 13% of the general population, yet 40% of the prison population.
And you’re going to try and tell me that we are all “equal?”
Who Controls All The Wealth?
Black students are 3x more likely than white students to be suspended for the same infractions.
Blacks are shown 18% fewer homes and 4% fewer rental units than whites.
Black drivers are 30% more likely to be pulled over.
One study found that 67% of doctors have a bias against African-American patients.
I play these songs in rotation 24/7. Why? Because FUCK THE POLICE. How many more artists need to make songs about the crimes police commit against innocent citizens?!

i will get to this very soon!

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