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“This is a universe of vibration. As Einstein once observed, “Nothing happens until something moves” —that is, everything vibrates to a particular measurable frequency. Break the solid world down to smaller and tinier components and you see that what appears to be solid is a dance—a dance of particles and empty spaces. Go to the tiniest of these quantum particles, and you discover that it emanated from a source that vibrates so fast that it defies the world of beginnings and endings. This highest/fastest energy is called Source Energy. You and everyone and everything originated in this vibration and then moved into the world of things, bodies, minds, and egos. It was in the leaving of this Source Energy in our body/minds that we took on our entire world of problems, illnesses, scarcities, and fears.” — Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, author of The Power of Intention

i will get to this very soon!

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I Am Happy!

June 13, 2020

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