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How To Manifest Your Dream Car (yes, it IS possible)!!!

“Your life is a poem.”

— B. Flores
New car, new me! I love shedding old layers.

If you have been keeping up with my blog then you’ll know that the last time I was on here that I was really going through an emotional crisis regarding my father’s and I’s relationship. Things were calm for a few months but alas, the thunder started all over again. I’m a much stronger person than who I was long ago so now I have boundaries. I really do not tolerate for any negative behavior, at all. I will try my best to find some middle ground for the both of us but if I’m going to be continuously disrespected and told how I “talk down and disrespect” my dad when I am simply just speaking my truth then it’s a sign for me to remove myself for that situation. I can sleep well at night knowing I did everything in my power and more to try to mend things. I did what I could but I can’t keep trying something if nothing is going to change! I have limits for how much I will tolerate.

Buying my dream car for me signifies freedom, my independence. Those closest know just how much this truly means, to be able to buy something for myself without the help of my dad or anyone. I had the mindset that I would be nothing without my dad, that losing his support would be the worst thing to happen. But I am SO glad that I was wrong! I was being held back the entire time. I am grateful for the Honda that he bought me and for the times that he did to help me but it just feels so good to not be attached to any sort of conditional love that he or anyone else has to offer. I deserve unconditional love and that’s exactly what I give myself. I wanted to cut all ties to my dad as to not have any attachments to that sort of anger and negativity. I already did part one which was getting my own phone, step two was buying my own car.

It all started with this vision board! My career woman vision board lol
I made a mini vision board on google docs!

I swear to the universe everything aligned so perfectly for me to get this car. I’ve been working on my credit score for years and it was for this exact moment. To buy my own car, with no co-signer needed. How freaking wonderful is that? I’m still in shock. It was a long two-day process. I took my time with this, I honestly wasn’t planning on buying my own car for a few more years but the universe gave me the push I needed to grasp my independence by the throat and never let go. My ancestors and I pulled a hail mary!

I don’t even know how to put everything together properly because I am still in shock but well, I freaking did it. It was an intense experience, a little scary too. I didn’t tell anyone that I was going to do this, just Sol and my family. I went sometime on Saturday to the dealership to test drive the car and wow that was fun! I knew it was the car for me. Fast forward to after all the back and fourthness with the dealer, after a stressful waiting time, I got approved for the car. My heart fell out my chest. Especially because I told the universe that hey if I get approved, I’m taking that as a sign that it is safe for me to take the leap of faith. So now I had to stick to my promise and do the damn thing. I sat with the decision overnight and solidified my decision after a long deep meditation. Honestly, what gave me the final push was Sol reminding me that I am worthy of giving myself my own freedom. Plus, my dad kept sending me some rude text messages that I decided the best thing for my mental health was just to block him and move forward with buying my car.

Here are some tips and tricks for how to manifest your truest divine desires:

  • Write down your manifestations on bay leaves, pray over them, and burn each one with the intention
  • I prayed, like every damn day! To the universe, my angels, my ancestors
  • I wrote daily affirmations when writing your manifestations, speak in the present tense. Ex. “Purchasing my new car was an easy and effortless process. I have the car of my dreams within a week of today (7/24/20) because I have the financial abundance to do so freely without stress.”
  • Visualize what you want. What does it look like? Smell like? Feel like?
  • What do these manifestations bring to you? Abundance? Freedom? Safety?
  • Talk out loud to the universe. “Hey universe, it’s me Alexis. If it is so divinely guided that I am supposed to buy my Lexus this week, please send me a sign in the form of a pink poodle.”
  • Put in the work! Manifest. Pray. Journal. Research. Watch youtube videos on the car you want.
  • Believe! Surrender to the universe. Know that every time you put in work towards your goal, you are just that much closer!

Yes, it is possible!

First image: A list of positive affirmations to get motivated! Second image: I decided on which car I wanted to get and went to the dealership that day. Super last minute, I didn’t even have the idea to go until that very morning. I brought three of my tias and my uncle with me lol. You know how Mexicans are, we really do roll deep with our family! We’re always around company for better or for worse. I should start by saying I was really scared. I’ve never bought a car on my own, I’m only 22 you know, I’m just starting my cool life out. And this was a big step that I was about to take, my first big girl purchase.

So here I am, the owner of a Lexus! I’ve been getting so many compliments and it melts my heart! This is my dream car and I am so grateful to be inspiring others with my leap of faith. Trust your intuition yall. I’m still processing this. I find myself questioning if I am worthy of this purchase but I sure tf am! I have worked endlessly to be able to do this and I am proud that I have learned to surrender to the universe and just relax in the trust of the divine. Ahh! Still freaking out. I’m so happy.

I am so freaking overjoyed. I can’t stop crying lol. I’m thrilled to be able to make my own dreams come true. My independence is so important to me so you can only imagine how free I feel now being set free from a stressful time period of my life.

Red interior, my dream come true.

Sol and I had an unexpected adventure-filled day in my car, Anita Baker. We spent the whole day driving along the coast and somehow ended up all the way in the Navarro River Redwoods State Park. This was our way of celebrating my newfound independence. We also fasted the whole day so being in nature was the perfect setting to distract us from our hunger lol. It made me so happy that Sol had the day off because I wanted to take her on a cute little exploration to have fun with my car and to thank her for being there for me through every step of my independence journey.

Thank you Solangel for praying and manifesting with me!

I did it! I am free. I’ve given my dad the Honda back and have officially cut all ties with him. Who knows what will happen in the future but that isn’t for me to worry about. It’s time that I focus on myself and my happiness. So here I go! Taking every leap of faith the universe has to offer because I know I am safe and protected by my ancestors. Plus, I deserve all the greatness life has to offer.

Can you feel the happiness radiating from this picture?

Thank you to all of those who have believed in me every step of the way. Alexis is doing her thing and she is happy, she is THRIVING. I’m not sure what the universe has in store for me next but I am excited about all this unknownness. I made it this far. Let’s see what else I can accomplish moving forward. Bigger and better things baby!

If you were looking for a sign to take that leap of faith you have been thinking about, this is your sign to jump! The scariest part is starting. The rest of it is a walk in the park. Choose to be fearless every day.

i will get to this very soon!


July 22, 2020 at 5:37 am


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Imposter Syndrome

July 23, 2020

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