
On A Personal Note

All the ash on top of my car this morning

I woke up this morning around 8:30am and when I looked outside, I could swear it was still the early hours of darkness. But no, it’s just the sun being blocked by the endless smoke from all the fires. When I tell you I could feel the pain of the world in my heart, I mean it. I had to stop myself from having a panic attack because all I could think about was just the simple fact that our society is so money-driven, that companies are still requiring people to go to work. In a pandemic. With the sky covered in ash and smoke. I can only imagine how horrendous it must be to work in these conditions. I doubt these amazing farmworkers are able to enjoy the common luxury of being able to choose between a payday and staying at home with your family for safety. I am just sick and tired of this damn society forcing people to think that working in such conditions is normal. Like HELLO. This is cruel and sick, and I can only imagine the type of karma coming back to those employers forcing their employees to work.

I get it, the world doesn’t stop for anyone but it sure does need to learn how to appreciate this damn moment. All I can think about is the numerous amount of people not staying home because they have to go work a 9-5 where they aren’t anything more than just a number and name on a payroll. It’s all pretty sick and the world has it all so backward. Just because this is the “normal” doesn’t mean it has to be. And it’s not even morally right either. When you look back at yourself years from now, are you going to be happy that you worked during these times or would you rather be happy about being able to spend these moments with your loved ones? It’s all just so upsetting to me. We created a world where we can’t go one day without having our drive-thru coffee or else all hell breaks loose, literally. We can’t even sustain ourselves!!!

Honestly, I am just so furious, we all should be. I don’t understand why we don’t have a society that can sustain itself and its people so that when natural disasters do happen, we aren’t still forced to clock in at some hell hole. I just wish this ass of a government would care for its people but apparently, that is asking for too much hence why we just need a whole new way of being because this way is not working. It’s killing people more than anything. Things are different during a pandemic and natural disasters, we should embrace that difference and act accordingly by letting everyone stay home so that they aren’t exposed to this terrible air quality. Ugh.

If this doesn’t wake people up to learning how to appreciate Mother Earth, I have no idea what will. We take this world for granted so no wonder the Earth is cleansing itself of all the deadly things we have done to it. There was a time when people were so grateful for oceans and rivers that they made them into divinities. And look at us now after having taken everything for granted, now we can’t even go out and touch these waters because of how terrible the air quality is. All we do is focus on the future, totally forgetting we have a present moment to live and enjoy. And once we are in the future, then all we do is just long for the past and wish that we could turn back the hands of time. Then we start hating time as if it did something to us personally as if it was the thing that forced us to only focus on the future. But time isn’t evil, time is just time. You can’t beat time. When your time is up, it’s up. So take the moment to appreciate where you are right now to understand where exactly you are standing, you truly will not get this moment again.

In these trying times, I have turned to my faith in spirituality to guide me. And it has been so incredibly beneficial to my well-being as a whole. I understand the world so much better. I appreciate all that I have now, not focusing on the stuff I may not have. I am grateful for everything in my life, from the loose sockets in my house to my beautiful sanctuary I call my room. I even find myself at times just hugging my walls because I am just so grateful to have them! I simply long for a day where we all hug our walls. And we will, eventually.


i will get to this very soon!

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