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The Life of Alexis

Honestly, at this point in my life, I am just trying to find joy in every little moment. I feel a tad bit off lately. I’ll start writing my think pieces again soon once I get over this little funk of mine. Until then, let’s just run through my thoughts today.

  • I did my makeup today! I felt so pretty :’)
  • Maybe I really should give myself more credit for having such a calm life now
  • I made so many sacrifices so that I could have peace in my outside world and I really enjoy this quiet time of solitude
  • Not many people can stand being alone but I can! I love it.
  • Maybe my family life isn’t totally figured out but for the most part, it is. At least I don’t have to wake up every day fearing a narcissist so there’s that
  • I should also give myself credit for actively implementing my new ideas into my life. Some people leave out the important part of implementing new ways into their life but I don’t
  • I wish people were taking this pandemic more seriously. I feel a little crazy sometimes for putting my health first when others are not having a care in the world. Why do I get hate for not wanting to socialize with a bunch of people? Germs!
  • I guess I should also be proud of myself for pouring love into myself when I never did that once in my life until now
  • You know, I may spend most of my time alone but at least I’m not filling up my time by spending it with people who disturb my peace. I’d rather be alone than angry
  • If yesterday taught me anything at all is that some people just refuse to awaken and step out of the matrix
  • What’s up with rudeness and no respect for others being a baseline for how we treat each other? Why can’t kindness be the baseline?
  • Lol yeah, I definitely need to give myself more credit for being a genuine human being who has learned to listen without interrupting, to speak without reward, supporting without pretending, and sharing without hesitation
  • I love that my life is not messy!!! I love not having any issues with people. I love respecting my own precious time. I love that I only do what makes me happy despite the comments of other people
  • The more time I spend alone, the more confused I get on why people offer their unsolicited opinions for no reason except to just say shit that holds no value

What’s meant to be will always be

  • I just wish someone could tell me that I am doing a great job. But then again, I have to tell myself that
  • How can healing affect our biology?
  • Sol and I want to study our stress levels. Each week working on a different CBT activity in order to bring structure into our brain. How does a trauma filled brain change over time when focusing on healing?
  • What would a brain scan reveal about my brain?
  • How can Sol and I help people?
  • How can we teach people to be mindful?
  • A year without social media: How can that affect someone’s stress levels?
  • The Wedding Planner always makes me cry! I really am a sucker for love, wow
  • I can’t believe people marry someone they aren’t even 100% serious about being with!
  • “I’m a magnet for unavailable men and I’m sick of it.” — Mary
  • Wow I wish the whole world could just be true to their hearts!
  • I give myself the unconditional love, that is amazing
  • People deserve their true love in their lifetime! It’s the least a human deserves
  • Hmm, I had a better day today than the last few days I have had. Why?
  • Yeah what I was missing was just a little reassurance from the BFF that I am doing more than okay

i will get to this very soon!

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