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Appreciation for My Abuelas

“Como Dios Manda” by La Santa Cecilia

It’s “crazy” how we really do get caught up in our everyday life and it is so easy to do that! That’s sadly the society we live in. I don’t know about anyone else but I really do get stuck in my head for days on end. I start to think like “Girl no you’re fine,” but once I do come out of my head, I’m like “ohhh. I was stuck in my head…” Mindfulness is a good practice. I usually clean my entire house to ground myself. But my favorite way to ground myself is to spend time with family. More specifically, with my grandmas! I’m kinda sad right now so I’m not sure if I have many words in me. I just wanted to take the time to share my grandmas with the world because they are my entire world. I learned how to master my strength from them. No matter the circumstances of making only pennies a day or being abused by a husband, they always managed to make sure their family always had a warm home, food, and education. They are so freaking strong. They embody gracefulness in the darkest of times. They make heart-breaks look like a walk in the park. Those cooking skills?! Unmatched. Their hearts? Always have room for anyone in need of some love. They are the OGs in building generational wealth. I can only hope to be half of a womxn they are.

I spent a lot of my time growing up scared of commitment, scared of a man leaving me for someone else. I took a step back and realized that my grandmas did it with ease. Never once did they ever wonder what they were going to do without a man. They always knew their worth. They knew that they couldn’t sit around wallowing for a half-ass human because their lives and the lives of their kids deserve so much more!

I appreciate everything they have done for both of my families. I love noticing all the similarities I share with each grandma. It’s like combing the most powerful (after all, two are Aries and one is a Scorpio) beautiful intelligent womxn and throwing all that into me! 💞 Which explains why I am such a force to be reckoned with.

i will get to this very soon!

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