A Day For Alexis
Hey siri, play “You Can’t Hurry Love” by The Supremes
Honestly I’m not even sure what I’m about to write about but honestly, this is just me talking and venting I suppose? Idk, I just have an itch to write so I figured I might as well write about my day lol.
Well, today was interesting! It was a really mellow day that I guess I unknowingly needed. There’s a full moon coming up and I always feel a little restless with a full moon nearing. And considering I was in the wild for a few days back to back, today was the first time that I had the chance to basically rebalance myself out at home.

So I did some self-care. I cleaned my entire room, changed the sheets, cleansed my altar. Gave my cat, Odessa, a bath. I journaled outside with Pepper while she napped, as per usual. Then spent the rest of the day catching up BBC Earth.
Affirmations for the beginning of the month:
- I love myself deeply and fully.
- I accept myself and cancel all negative thoughts.
- I am free.
- I have unconditional love for myself and others.
- I know my purpose.
- I am ready to turn a new tide.
- I feel comfortable and safe. I feel protected. I am light.
- I am wise, intuitive, and connected to my inner guidance.
- I seek to understand and learn from my life experiences.
- I am centered and grounded.
- I welcome change and do not fear the flow of divine timing. Everything is unfolding in perfect timing.
- I have set myself up this month for blessings and opportunities in the next.
- May this month be filled with peace, contentment, growth, healing, blessings, prosperity, success, and positive energy. August will bring abundance and clarity. I claim all the richness and warmth August has to offer.
- August, recharge my intentions. Let me remember who I am whenever anything or anyone threatens to take me away from my frequency. Give me the patience to understand that I am a work in progress, that I am allowed the space to make mistakes. Elevate my perspective.
Self-love bath necessities:
- rose petals
- essential oils (ex. peppermint, orange, whatever you like)
- crystals of your choice (ex. selenite, black tourmaline, rose quartz, clear quartz, aquamarine, lapis lazuli. Placed around the tub or on your body for specific healing. I always place selenite on my head for my third eye and crown chakras)
- bath bomb (I didn’t have any today. I need to carry a freaking stock lol)
- bubbles
- candles!!
- body oil
- some good music to jam out to

This is my favorite bath ritual to treat myself to when I am feeling a little “off.” You can honestly add anything to your bath ritual for whatever purpose you may want. Just set intentions with each object and you’re good to go. My intention for this whole bath was to simply just treat myself to my favorite thing, balance my chakras and give myself some extra lovin’. I found myself being antsy for “love” so I had to check myself real quick and give that love that I was longing for to myself.
The song “You Can’t Hurry Love” has been my anthem as of lately (my whole life lol). I really am a little love bug which can be a little tiresome. It used to be really difficult when I was the old Alexis because I used to think I was unworthy of love and I really believed that I would never find my person. The Alexis I now know acknowledges that there is a person for me! Which is so exciting. It just requires patience of divine timing to find that person. I just get a little overjoyed at the fact that I know someone is out there for me just because I am literally so thrilled to share this improved version of myself with them.
It’s taken sooo much of myself to get where I am today. I am so proud of that, I just want to be able to share it with another human because I am pretty freaking great, lol. I did all this work on myself by working through and releasing my traumas, therapy, basically doing a whole 180º on my life. I’m this whole new Alexis who has yet to get the chance to be with someone. I’m fine with waiting because I am no longer lowering my standards as I used to. Because my self-worth was low before, I never advocated for myself in relationships. I settled for being in love triangles, being the “other” girl. I settled for guys who didn’t want to commit to me when that was what I was looking for. I settled for guys who couldn’t make the first move, which isn’t a bad thing but making the first move is always something I did because well, I’m fearless. But now I want someone who is just as fearless as I am or at least believes that I am worth overcoming their fears for.
I didn’t have strong boundaries before because I was so scared to lose people. I was scared that if I didn’t stay with this person who didn’t respect me that I would be alone forever. And honestly, being alone is so much better than having your boundaries crossed. I now know that if someone can’t respect my boundaries then they clearly are not meant to be in my life and that I will find the person who can respect my boundaries. It just seems scary to be alone because some people (like how I used to be) were scared of the loneliness. But you aren’t ever alone when you have all the love and care inside yourself. All that love and care you want to give someone else? Give it to yourself first, always.
To my future man who doesn’t know he’s my man lol, you are literally getting such an amazingly balanced spiritual Alexis. How beautiful. Listen to “Loved By You” by KIRBY. A beautiful song to explain how I will feel being loved by you. Until we meet, I’ll just be becoming a better Alexis. 🙂
Anyways, whenever I find myself being impatient for love, I just play The Supremes and I remind myself that you literally cannot hurry love. That isn’t living in the moment nor is it healthy for you to try and control a situation. Plus, you only upset yourself even more because you become more impatient, less understanding of divine timing. Just chill (@ myself )!
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful night. Tomorrow is Sunday, one of my favorite days! Here’s my Sunday playlist that I so enjoy: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6od7Zusc5rKgsKEt3XYQX0?si=kyY-BWNcSS2LmhPoOmuWrg
Don’t forget to set your intentions for this month and manifestations for this upcoming full moon!
Alexis 💞