
A Peek Into My Mind On a Monday Night

Hey Siri play “Fly Me To The Moon” by Frank Sinatra

I suppose all that I was trying to avoid was unknowingly driving me insane because I can’t avoid my emotions rollercoasting. I need to be one with the flow.

*This is me attempting to write even when I don’t feel like it just so that I could feel good about myself. *

  • Newton, Mozart, Van Gogh, Edgar Allen Poe all demonstrated serious signs of bipolar disorder so one could assume that most of their creative insight came to them during manic episodes.
  • People are frustrating. I’d much rather spend time alone than be around people who find it entertaining to constantly ridicule me and feel the need to constantly push my buttons. Do I always have to be the bigger person? I’m doing it but when will people hold themselves accountable for being a freaking jerk?

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.

— Marcus Aurelius
  • What’s up with Latino households and the need to constantly comment on a girl’s body??? When will people worry about themselves?
  • Maybe one day my family will learn how to keep their opinions to themselves? Who knows.
  • I would really appreciate it if people didn’t make me feel bad for not texting back. One, I don’t owe anyone a response. Two, I don’t feel the need to reconnect with a sibling who is a compulsive liar. Three, I’m allowed to be picky with my time.
  • My brain hurts a little extra tonight. I’m trying my best to be positive but it’s hard! Sometimes I just want to wallow away but I know I have to be stronger.
  • Am I really enough?
  • 10:35p I’m crying. I should start tracking the times I cry. Maybe that will be helpful in understanding my emotions. What are my triggers?
  • 10:40p Okay I feel better
  • I should really be more patient with myself.
  • Making Marvin Gaye my lockscreen wallpaper was the best idea
  • How can I bring emotional stability into my life?
  • Remember that one time I almost died because I got pneumonia? Interesting.
  • When is it appropriate to reach out for help? What kind of help am I even looking for? I think I just need someone to remind me that I am certainly in fact, okay.
  • One day, I’ll figure out why so many great people with a mental illness went so unnoticed when alive but were praised long after they died. How many people in psychiatric hospitals just need someone to understand them? Why do we label people just to shut them out of society? We love to label people as “Crazy” yet we also love to celebrate their work after they’re dead.
  • I guess I should really give myself more credit for being here today, drinking a cup of tea, rather than having had killed myself so long ago. I’m glad to be alive.
  • You know I might not have it all together but I’m only 22. At least I know who I am and what I stand for. That counts for something.
  • Considering our partners are our mirrors, what’s the male version of me like? *Cue La vie en rose* I enjoy spending time by myself and to have a partner who respects that, a blessing!!
  • Do people see me differently because they know I have a mental illness? Am I seen as more fragile? God forbid because I’m a whole ass warrior.
  • What is funny to me is that I have gone to years of therapy, I’m a psych major, all I ever talk about is the brain/mind, my family is aware of my doctor appointments… why do they act like psychology is a “fake” thing? There’s a reason it’s a field of study…
  • One of my favorite qualities about myself: I get excited when I talk about things I’m interested in. I didn’t realize it until today when it was pointed out to me but I really do get excited. You notice it in my posture, the way my voice changes, the way my face lights up. I wonder what exactly I get excited to talk about? I would say everything that comes out of my mouth because I’m mindful of my words.
  • I appreciate it when people take the time to notice the little things about me. It’s rare for people to pay attention to detail. The average joe is pretty clueless.
  • I just find it SO funny when old flings want to come back into my life. What’s up with people not taking no for an answer? Why come back after you’ve been blocked on everything? Why can’t I just be left alone? Is it that difficult to find high-quality people? Eh. Let me look at the positives. At least I’m a likable person.
  • I’m not being rude, I just simply know what I want in a partner. Why waste time with people who are left stunned by my words every time? I don’t want to date someone I stun, I want to date someone I can freaking talk to. Someone brave.
  • Lol, I just laugh at all these failed advances that people try to push. Let’s throw in some wow factor if you’re going to try and get my attention
  • I don’t understand how people expect to keep a conversation if they aren’t offering any sustenance.
  • I’m not here to fix anyone but I am here to help heal. That much I will do. I know my limits.
  • Why do people with bipolar disorder have trouble watching shows similar to Black Mirror?
  • I can’t remember the last time I wore a piece of lingerie just because. What’s up with me???
  • PMS x Bipolar Disorder = ?
  • I need to get some fresh flowers for my room!!!
  • I look forward to raising my future kids in a loving and supportive environment
  • yeah I don’t ever see myself settling for less than I deserve ever again
  • I really am so deserving of all that is good and kind in the world
  • I miss museums and the dinosaur fossils
  • I just want a partner who is confident in themselves to be with me. Is that too much to ask for?
  • Why do guys question their worth when they’re dating me? Time for me to do some introspection!!
  • Sometimes I forget celibacy is deemed as “weird” lol
  • I’m almost done with this journal that I started the day after my birthday. I am so proud of myself for sticking to journaling on a regular basis :’) Time for a new journal, woo hoo!!!!!
  • I want someone to be proactive about their intentions with me. Simple.
  • I’ve really been channeling my sexual energy into creative energy and wow, I forgot I have this ability!
  • The best thing to do when you’re overwhelmed? Do something. Be fearless!


The Life of Alexis

September 15, 2020

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