Adios Febrero!
I’ve really been enjoying letting myself write whatever I please on my blog. Stepping away from a false idea of perfection and stepping into a place of acceptance. This is a short but sweet post.
Yo – I just really love Sunday’s. If there wasn’t a pandemic, I would be able to enjoy my job at the church. How weird is that of me to say? Lol, but out of all my jobs (which some have been pretty monumental), my church job has been my most favorite and most fulfilling.
You know what I really love about my blog? That this is my safe place. This is where I let Alexis come out and play. Nobody can tell me anything about my blog because it’s my blog. I’m the only one who has to like it. That brings me a lot of peace.

I freaking finally got my wine. I was going to order online but today just felt right to purchase a bottle or two. I really am all about setting up a nice experience to enjoy. So I set up the most beautiful bubble bath, equipped with a bath bomb and candles around the tub. I played some tunes that my BFF, Sol, sent me earlier today and enjoyed my glass of wine. I had the time of my freaking life. I am just really so damn grateful to be alive. I think I might be getting a hang of this thing called “life,” (as I say now lmao). Granted there will be times where I may feel a little over my head but it’s important that in moments like those that I remind myself that I am only human and it is perfectly OKAY to not have it all together.

Omg! So just the other day I was thinking about how I haven’t seen a butterfly in a while. Months before my cat Odessa passed away, white butterflies were in my life every day. I would see them when I woke, and all throughout my day. But after he passed away, they stopped showing up. My great-grandma has always told me that white butterflies are your ancestors watching over you. So I am interpreted those butterflies leading up to his death as my ancestors giving me a heads up of what was to come. Which in hindsight, totally makes sense because he passed away in a very peaceful way. The way it happened, well, it just had to happen. It further proved to me that there really is an afterlife. Which is something I have believed in since I was a kid since that’s my culture. But this was an experience for my logical side to really embrace. Anyway, about butterflies, I freaking saw a monarch butterfly today when I let Pepper out to pee in the morning! It put a smile on my face. But it also got me curious about the migration pattern that monarchs seem to be exhibiting (or lack thereof).
Lexx <3
P.s. Imagine having been alive when Ella Fitzgerald and Ray Charles were putting out their music?! Wow. I don’t think there were groupies back then but I certainly would’ve been one of theirs.