Almost Titled
Currently playing: Shampoo by iyla + single af by Fousheé
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
Maya Angelou
You ever just want to scream because of writer’s block? Because same. Anywho, as per usual, I’ve been reflecting on my life. Right now, I don’t really have the words to describe anything I’ve been feeling lately besides the fact that I am so grateful for my life and all that I have. I feel very at peace with who I am. Not going to lie though, it’s been taking discipline. I’m learning to step away from my old habits of being extremely critical of myself. I’m moving towards a more compassionate mindset for myself.
Cheers to being nice to ourselves and keeping a very low stress life!
I really enjoy the fact that I smile so often. Of course, I’ve always been a smiley person but it’s different when you’re smiling because you’re happy to be alive. It’s a whole different type of radiance.
Btw I had a dream that I had a daughter that looked like my great-grandma. Pretty weird right, but also so sweet. It makes me smile just thinking about it. A pretty easy dream to analyze if I do say so myself.