Another Beautiful Day

Risk by Anaïs Nin
And then the day came,
when the risk
to remain tight
in a bud
was more painful
than the risk
it took
to Blossom.
Ashley gifted me with the most beautiful roses and ugh my heart! I am so grateful for the most amazing friends a girl could ever ask for. I think flowers are one of the most caring gifts to ever give someone. Flowers were most likely the first thing that humans came to value that didn’t have some utilitarian purpose for survival. I think that is pretty freaking cool!

I’ve been really working on myself, a little extra lately, and today I decided to just rest and vibe lol, just seeing where the day takes me! I had yet another wonderful self-love bath, I really balanced my chakras and wow, I feel so at peace. I took an amazing nap and cooked a lovely dinner. Ashley came over and brought little caring gifts! I am so thankful for that, it means the world to me when people pay attention to the little details about the things you enjoy in life like keychains, earrings, and flowers lol. It’s the little things in life that really bring the most joy!
Anyways, I get to spend my Friday in nature and I couldn’t be more excited. Plus, my car, Anita Baker, loves driving on windy roads. The handling on her? Amazing. She cuddles the curves and leaves them wanting more. Plus, a 306-horsepower V6 engine is a pretty fun thing to have. The S+ mode stands for “super-fast,” lol. I am just so happy to literally be living my life for myself. I wake up every day so happy to look outside and see my dream car that I worked so hard for. Making your dreams come true is the best thing you could ever do for yourself.
I also got this new face mask! It smells like literal cow poop BUT it does wonders for the skin. I swear I noticed results right away. My skin literally detoxed. But damn, the smell is pretty horrendous. I’ve been really focusing on my skin lately because hormones are pretty evil and affect my skin so much for no reason. I got some new skincare products like rosehip oil and an overnight watermelon face mask so let’s see how this skincare journey goes.