Blog Posts

Cooking For My Inner Child

Hey Siri, play “One More Time” by The Cure

So today was a rough day for my inner child. She needed a little extra TLC today so I did a little guided meditation to connect to baby Alexis. 11/10 this video if you are looking to connect to your inner child. It always makes me cry lol.

Afterward, I decided to cook a nice healthy dinner because you want to eat quality food to help raise your vibrations of course. So tonight I made a garlic/ginger bok choy stir fry served over cauliflower rice. I honestly feel so rebalanced after that meditation and hearty dinner, it was something I didn’t know I needed. It wasn’t until today that I figured out what my inner child needed was some nurturing in the form of cooking.

Okay well I was going to write more but I need to go to sleep because Sol and I are heading to Malibu in the morning so we have a little drive ahead of us. A little birthday trip for us to do some major healing. Good night my dears. Don’t forget to take care of yourself. You are important!



June 15, 2020


June 16, 2020

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