Creating An Altar For Passed Loved Ones
Time waits for no one and things can end tomorrow, so if there’s stuff you wanna know, find out.
— Stevie Nicks
May we never forget our loved ones 💗
I spent the day visiting some of my passed loved ones and it healed so many parts of my heart that I didn’t even know needed healing. Our loved ones are here with us everyday guiding us along, making sure we are fulfilling our dreams because that is what they want us to do to honor them. There are so many words that are said throughout our lives yet we still somehow die with just as many words left unsaid. We live our lives full speed ahead but when we reach the finish line, we wish that we could go back in time and start over. Why break your own heart like that? Why not just live the life that we want so that we aren’t left on our death bed wishing we could’ve done what we wanted to do when we had the chance?
We have many lives but one soul. What do you want to learn and experience in this lifetime? How are you going to make your dreams come true in this life? How do you want to be remembered? What legacy are you leaving behind? What is your life story and how do you want to write it? What is stopping you from being in bliss with your own life?
Ask yourself these questions and I promise you that you will get some much needed answers 🌹
Having an altar for passed loved ones is a really good way to keep their memory alive while also being able to connect with our ancestral veneration. I know for some, connecting with the dead is something a bit taboo and can be scary but please put that fear aside. Modern society deems it “different” for those who want to connect to the dead but in many cultures, such as my own, connecting with our ancestors is something in our blood.
Death is a very touchy subject which I understand but it’s also important to remember that death is inevitable and we shouldn’t be scared of it. No one truly dies, their energy stays around. Basic law of Conservation of Energy, “energy cannot be created or destroyed.” The amount of energy in this universe never changes, just the form that the energy comes in. So please do take some time to sit with this idea if you haven’t already and let it comfort you. Let the idea of your loved ones always being with you, watching over you, and protecting you guide you through the dark times.
Your ancestors want to connect with you! My Grandma Negra always told me that if you see a white butterfly, that means one of your family members is watching over you and wants to say hi! How beautiful is that! Even after death, we still have our loved ones around us. Remember, they love you and have the best intentions for you. They are your guardian angels. So don’t be afraid to connect with them. Move in love! Connect to your ancestors again.
It’s actually pretty easy to create an altar too! I have mine set up on top of my dresser. You can just start by adding pictures of your loved ones (if you don’t have any, that’s okay!), candles (any color will do but white is a color of purity and divination), flowers, a glass of water, and earth element (crystals, plants, etc.). You can honestly add anything to your altar! Add things that your person liked when they were here on Earth. I added cat treats for my cat Chloe that passed away a few years ago. I also keep her ashes on the altar too. I have one of my dogs collars as well. You can also add some jewelry, perfume, alcohol, food, and what not as offerings to your loved ones. It’s a good way to thank them for protecting you and they can enjoy that offering in the afterlife.
Remember to change up your altar every other week or however you see fit. You want to keep the energy fresh and light. With food offerings, you can just leave them there for 2-3 days and then compost it. I also like adding sacred texts, reiki symbols, spiritual symbols and pictures, and all that type of fun stuff. You should also smoke cleanse (incense) your altar every day to keep the energy full of positivity.
Whenever you are feeling really stressed out or alone, go to your altar and talk to your loved ones. Remember, you are never alone and they are always protecting you! They also want to help you but you need to tell them how to help you. I’ve been talking to my ancestors way more often lately and it has helped me with so much of my anxiety. I’m always asking them to please help me on my path and to provide me clear guidance. And they do it! After clearing my throat chakra by talking to them, all of a sudden I’ll be getting signs and clarity out of nowhere on what to do about whatever I am dealing with.
Ooo! It is also safe to mention that if you ever feel like someone has an evil eye on you or is sending you some bad energy, you can ask your ancestors to protect you and to also take care of that person, karma baby. If you ever smell a certain scent, know that your spirits are around you and want to communicate with you. They might not have made themselves known before but once you start honoring them and the Earth, they will become more present thus making it a little easier to have more of an open dialogue with them.
Many blessings to you and yours. May we all stay safe and protected during such difficult times. Remember, you are never alone.
Alexis 🙂