Doing What Makes Me Feel Alive
My destiny is to stand outside the limits of society and live my life through my passions and vitality to the extreme. Over time, I have developed a strong sense of who I am at my core and I have become so secure with who I am that I will do what makes me happy despite any unnecessary objections from people. No one will ever tell me what to do, stand in my way, or control any of the terms in my life.
I had to get over the fear I had of being perceived as different or unique because well, I am so unique (as we all are) and I embrace that! I have learned to love every little part of me even if some people may not like them. I like me and that’s all that matters.
Growing up, I didn’t feel like this though. Well to some extent but I was only shining a dim light. I always feared being judged for my willfulness leaving me feeling inhibited. I felt like I had to sit back and let other people take the light from me so I repressed everything inside me as best as I could. But I had to learn that my greatest potential lies within prioritizing myself and my experiences, doing only what makes me feel alive, that keeps the blood rushing through my veins.
I finally chose the not-so-easy route! I have chosen to silence all outside voices to embrace my capacity to be greatly present in each moment. And when I am immersed into something let me tell you, no one is more focused or willing to go as deep as I am. I have a rare ability to connect profoundly and emotionally while also being able to stay objective in every situation. Not many can do that but it’s my little magic trick.

Moving forward, I will allow myself to be driven by my passions and dreams. I now know that if something doesn’t excite me then it clearly isn’t for me so I must follow my hunger to feel, see, and experience all that life has to offer. Though my power may be overwhelming to some as this may not come naturally to others, my strength and dominance are felt and understood without even saying a word. My aura says it all. My energy is a catalyst for those around me, provoking their repressed fears and emotions. Not many can handle my energy so many people leave my life and that is okay. I served my purpose in their life by helping them unlock those hidden parts of themselves that they feared for so long thus allowing them to connect to their highest selves slowly but surely. I leave people feeling loved, vibrant, and energized with every encounter and conversation I have.
The universe blessed me with the gift of being endowed with tremendous tenacity and strength so I had to find a healthy outlet for this. As a teenager, I felt so invincible so I pushed every limit that I could, almost to the point of recklessness. But some much needed lessons taught me that I am in fact, not as invincible as I thought I was. I then had to cope with all the trouble that I had caused in so many people’s lives that I had no intention of doing. I have such a pure kind energy that can be felt from far away but because I had caused some trouble, I felt like a complete failure to myself. I had let myself down by not being the responsible person that I know I am.
I built some really strong defense mechanisms after that as I was fearful of letting people into my life thinking I would cause turmoil in their lives as well. I built these walls to contain my sheer power inside which only created frustration and resentment. I felt defeated and weak because what I was presenting to the world was simply a meek version of who I truly am. Rules, restrictions, shaming, and guilt completely destroyed me.
It was all incredibly painful and left some bruises along the way. But after some much needed hard life lessons, I decided to pick myself back up because i realized that no one was going to do the work for me. I had to do the painful thing of walking back into my past to mend the things that I had torn apart. I had to make peace with all my actions as I now know that it all had to happen to make me who I am today.

I am drawn to experience the spectrum of human emotions in order to become intuitively aware of them which allows me to realize what I want. And what I have discovered were numerous things that turn me on and that allow me to delve deeply into every little bit of it. I now realize that my path is to embrace my vitality and to assert myself in this world. It is crucial to my well-being that I maintain a healthy balance so that I am in possession of my will instead of being at the mercy of it.
I’m no longer changing or lessening who I am just to make others happy. If something doesn’t spark that fire in me, then it’s a clear sign from the universe that I must move on as that something just isn’t meant for me because it isn’t on my vibration. I am immersing myself in all things that support my life purpose and destiny. And now, I have found such deep sense of satisfaction and relief knowing that I have finally found my way in life!
Alexis Mariah