Blog Posts

Emotional Progress

I would just like to say that I am SO proud of myself for working on my emotions and being able to express them properly. Do y’all know how hard it used to be for me to tell my friends that I love them?! They always express their love to me but when I had to reciprocate it, I would just freeze up, I didn’t know what to say. How do you tell people that of course you love and appreciate them, but you don’t have the strength to be able to vocally share that? Well I mean I told them and they always understood because they know all about me lol. So they all always knew that I love then but I honestly couldn’t get those words out of my mouth. Plus, I always express my love in different ways too. I love cooking for the people I care about. I don’t do it all the time so when I do it, I go all out and make the best meal of their life (I can cook but ugh, I get so lazy sometimes). I like to show my love by actively being there for them. Or buying them little gifts that remind me of them. Or writing them letters, thanking them for everything they do for me. I like to do things for people that make their life a little easier ya know. Making sure the people in my life are stress free and happy is honestly a big love language of mine. Words of affirmations is my actual love language but that’s just how I prefer people to show their love for me. I personally express my love in so many different ways. I guess you can say I am a womxn of many talents!

Any-who, I woke up early today and I was just so proud of myself for being able to easily tell my bff Ashley that I love her before she left my house yesterday. Like wow, look at me growing emotionally and freaking expanding!! Who would’ve thought I would be this emotionally well developed human that I am today?!

Honestly the real test of my growth will be when love interests enter my life. Like damn, I’m really going to have to vocally express how I feel? 🤢 I have to be raw and open?! I have to risk getting hurt by being honest?! But hey at least I’ve worked on myself this much and I know I might have trouble being able to fully express my feelings in the beginning, at least I’ll be able to do it!! Actually the big test is me being able to tell my family that I love them but we’ll just save that journey for another time.


The IUD Cramps

May 24, 2020

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