Blog Posts

Empanada Day, My Favorite!

I’ve been craving empanadas for the longest but I’ve just been too lazy to make them. But I finally got the energy! I couldn’t sleep last night so I ordered groceries to get delivered this morning so that saved me a trip. Shoutout to our essential workers during these trying times, y’all make the world go round!

I’ve been sharing the recipes that I cook on my Snapchat and Instagram stories but I figure this is the best place for people to get the recipe if they ever need it.

Here is the recipe for the dough, considering that’s the only part of this recipe I had actual measurements for.

Empanada Dough:

  • 3 1/2 cups of flour
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup of white sugar
  • 1/2 cup of butter
  • 5-6 tbsp water (you’ll need more as you make the dough but this is how much you need to begin with so you don’t make a watery dough)
  • 1-2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar

When it comes to cooking, I’m the type of person who just adds ingredients without measuring, like how the grandmas do it. So when making the carne molida con papa (ground beef with potatoes) filling, I just threw things together until I found a taste that was perfect! Just trust your gut, do what feels right to you when adding seasonings. But if your gut tells you to not add any seasoning then that’s when you don’t listen to it lol. Season your food people!!

I also forgot to mention that before the empanadas go into the oven, I put an egg wash on top of them so they can be shiny.

I don’t know how grandmothers and moms are able to cook all day! Or even cook like 10 dishes and have them all be hot and ready at the same time. They really are some top tier humans. I love cooking but dang, it is tiring. But I love feeding people and making sure they are well fed. One time my friend pointed out that when I share my food with people, like off my plate or something, I make sure they get a little bit of everything in their bite. What an interesting observation, right? It sort of threw me back a bit because I mean, that’s something I do without thinking and for someone to point out something that I don’t even put any thought into, it just felt nice! Like wow, I am nice lol.

I hope you are able to try this recipe in the near future and let me know what you think 🙂 I honestly can’t tell you what culture this recipe comes from, I incorporated Argentinian/Filipino/Mexican empanada recipes into this one!

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