Flying Through The Rainbows and Storms
*Mermaid cover art done by Johnny Hall*
Currently playing, “Runaway” by Mariah Carey

This is a blog post showing how friends become BFFs who then become Family! <3 I love you fam! I am incredibly grateful that our paths have crossed and stayed connected. You each inspire me to be my truest self. Thank you for knocking sense into me when I need it the most. And for also listening without judgment. I wouldn’t want to be flying through the rainbows and storms with anyone else!!!
An Introduction by my BFF, Johnny Hall, September 3rd, 2023:
“Alexis! Alexis! Alexis!
You are so much more than what others think. Promise me you’ll never let a man take away the essence of who you are even if you love him. There’s so much joy in you and the happiness that our sister Maya has left us with. Don’t lose hope in this life and find where your heart lies. You talk a lot and that makes you so unique from others!
You have sazon! You can meet so many people in this life who are merely shadows of themselves. You are special because you shine in a way others can only imagine. Also bitch remember you are strong and these motherfuckers don’t deserve you! You need a man not a child, you have enough of those at work. You need someone who complements a heart like yours.
Real shit, don’t forget yourself in a man just because they may offer so much with their tongues but little with their hands. Remember Maya would want more for your ass. Don’t forget if you need help, reach out to us. If a man can’t handle you at your worst, how can he be there at your best?
Always fly and never let anyone shoot you down from how high you are.”
A letter from my BFF, Minerva, on March 17th, 2021
Hello Gucci,
This is me testing out your cool new pens. Excuse my sloppy handwriting I haven’t written anything down in a while lol. I barely take notes during my class and if I do, I just type them lol. But apart from testing out your pens, this will be your very late graduation/yearbook writing note.
Let me remember high school Alexis and Minerva. That is so far back omg. We were tiny babies getting high and drunk. Can’t believe we have grown so much and been through so much shit together. Damn, high school you would be so proud of who you have become and all the help and growth you have received and gone through. Current Minerva is proud of you. I am rooting for you, your moods, and tacky, funny, and thrilling thoughts & opinions. I will always be here for you even if we’re far away.
I just realized all these different colors might hurt your eyes but oh well I already did it, lol. Idk why I put you through this but I do, my bad lol. Still love you. You are strong and you always have been. You are a badass woman and you can get through anything wherever you are.
Anyway, when you read this I want you to be reminded of the bad bitch, the smart, amazing, strong woman you are. DON’T FORGET YOU ARE ALSO BEAUTIFUL. You will get everything you want, just be patient. All of your hurt and past experiences will be repayed. The universe and your ancestors will give you everything you deserve. Okay. I don’t have anything more at this moment. Good luck with life, can’t wait to see what else you accomplish.
Love you always, Minerva Arebalo, your BFF <3 🙂
A letter from my BFF, Maya Bonner, on August 17, 2019: Letter for the Better
Dear Gooch,
There are so many things I could say to you, but you already know the immense amount of love I have for you. You’re literally my sister. Sometimes we hate each other and fight and other times we’re laughing our asses off together, but at the end of the day, you’re my blood. I don’t give a fuck if we didn’t come out of the same vagina. Somehow, someone in the universe wanted us to find each other and whoever did it, I’m fucking glad they did. Because I honestly don’t know if I would be alive today if it weren’t for you. It honestly creeps me out sometimes how similar we are. I truly believe we’re spiritually and sexually connected.
I think you’re the only other person I know who feels as much as I do. We overthink and we often take things personally even when they’re not. We’re both pretty depressed, but here we are still standing as beautiful fucking women. Sometimes you’re sassy and a little demanding, but you’re one of the most caring people I know. You let me spend days at your house and let me eat your food. You always make sure your loved ones, such as myself, are okay. I think, like me, you know how something as simple as asking someone if they’re okay can change their whole day and prevent them from a mental breakdown. I believe you care so much because you’ve been through so much. If I could, I’d take your pain away because I love you and don’t want you to go through the hurt.
At the same time, I know it’ll make you that much stronger so no one and nothing can stop you from reaching your goals. You are determined. You are smart. You are beautiful inside and out. We’ve both had setbacks whether it was losing our motivation or just not knowing what the future holds for us, but that doesn’t matter because, in 5 years, I’m sure we’ll look back and say, “Damn look how far we’ve come.”
Whether we never find the right guy/girl or if we get one degree or 3 degrees, just know that where you are right now doesn’t define or predict how far you can go. Fuck academic timelines, fuck people’s opinions, fuck lame dick, and guys who can’t think past the surface level. We are women with depth and if someone can’t understand you, that’s because they aren’t on your level and needa catch tf up. You’ve always been there for me when people who I thought were gonna be friends for life left me. You know I love you and would beat any dumbass’s ass for hurting you.
From the bottom of my heart,
Magical Maya a.k.a. Tu Hermanita
A note from my BFF Nhi, Summer 2016:

“Alis Volat Propriis” translated is, “she flies with her own wings”
These are good words to live by. for me. and you also. Thought you’d want this 🙂 Literally finished this when y’all were getting food as of 11:54am. Well. Stay outspoken b. This is like the long overdue yearbook shenanigan that I was meant to give you. Well. Lowell was dry. We got closer over the summer. Idk why.. but till next time homie. We stay Du$ty Pant Squad for awhile. I feel it. Here’s to the beginning of friendship. Y am i friend with you? —-Nu ~

The coolest doodle ever, by sweet Nhi! November 2022