Kindness Revolution
Hey Siri, play “This Is For The Lover In You” by Shalamar
A resolution to make someone’s day a little bit brighter thus making the world a better place. Building blocks to a strong foundation. The world is a messy dark place that no doubt lacks compassion and empathy. We can’t control the whole world or anyone else, but we can control ourselves and the energy we give off. So I challenge you all to make a conscious effort in bettering someone’s day, every day. Positivity spreads like mustard, a whole domino effect. It is one powerful force that we are able to harness and help spread to enlighten others.
As we all know by now, I’m a pretty big bookworm. I bought this book (pictured above) back in high school so please ignore how dirty it is. In The Power Of Kindness by Piero Ferrucci, who is a transpersonal psychologist, Ferrucci explores the idea that kindness can lead to a happier world. When we are kind to ourselves, we are kind to others. And that’s what the world freaking needs! Humans have built this world to be one full of cold dark anxieties. By nurturing our basic positive human qualities, we are able to make positive contributions to our world.
Without a doubt, if the world was a kinder place, we would not be having as many problems as we do now. We have SYSTEMS that are broken. We are locking people up in cages, losing children who are the custody of ICE, murdering innocent Black people. It’s 2020 and we still live in a world where some people can’t even afford an education. We exist in a world where the 1% live such a greedy life rather than using their resources to help the world and end poverty, world hunger. It’s just mind-blowing to me that people who are in the position to help others would rather just stay inside their little bubble. Which is pretty ridiculous because billionaires did not make their money by themselves, they made their money on the blood, sweat, and tears of their workers. It’s pretty wild to me how rich Jeff Bezos is yet Amazon workers are being exploited every single day. It seems pretty freaking fishy to me.
Honestly, the world really upsets me. I’ve been having a hard time learning compassion for the people on the other side of things, the ones who cause pain unto others. The ones who murder people without thinking twice. Those who sit back and watch the world burn even if they have the power to put those fires out. Hence why I started to reread this book. I know I’m not where I am in my life journey if I still have a lack of compassion for certain people so I am trying to educate myself.
I have been learning my purpose here on Earth and I truly am meant to help heal the world! So this is my first step into dipping my toes into the ocean of that. I used to be a super atheist, even though my family is sort of Catholic (?). Now, I find myself categorizing myself as someone who is spiritual. I used to never pray, I found it so silly. But I find myself praying every day now, praying to the universe. I pray for the world to heal, for the safety of others. I pray that all those around me and those who I encounter are able to connect with their higher selves.
I have a totally different understanding of the term “kill them with kindness” now. The way I think of it is similar to the original meaning, but now I see it as spreading the kindness to help others kill their ego. Because one’s ego can be such a monster. It blocks people from connecting to who they are. And if people can’t connect to their core, they feel lost. And when they are lost, they start self-sabotaging and sabotaging others. Just as easily as kindness can spread, so can anger and jealousy.
It does make me sad that there are people who are still so close-minded and really doubt that the world can become a better place. By keeping that mindset, you are really manifesting for the world to stay in such an ugly place. I just say it doesn’t hurt to try to think more positively about yourself and others. Just try it, see what happens. As you become kinder to yourself, you become kind to others. Remember, the things that annoy you about someone else are simply a reflection of what you don’t like about yourself.
I used to be very distrusting of others. I then learned that I didn’t trust people because I didn’t trust myself. More so in the sense that I never believed people when they would tell me positive things about myself and that’s because I didn’t believe in myself, I lacked confidence within myself. But when I was able to see past my ego, I was able to start the process of believing in myself and others. It’s not impossible, it just takes strength and determination. You have to want to become a better person.
“How often – even before we began – have we declared a task “impossible”? And how often have we construed a picture of ourselves as being inadequate? . . . A great deal depends upon the thought patterns we choose and on the persistence with which we affirm them.”
― Piero Ferrucci
Food for thought:
*I would like to give a big thank you to the church I work for! They unknowingly helped me become a better me. I know, pretty wild that I Alexis, tattoo and piercings galore, work at a church, well before this p*ndemic happened. I never understood why this job was put in my life path. But I can see the reason for that now. I was so put off by religion growing up because it was always pushed on me. Strangers would push their beliefs onto me and it made me feel so uncomfortable. But the church I work for is just so, different. They respect everyone’s beliefs and views which has allowed me to not be so off-put by religion. It’s how all churches should be or even any place of work should be. They have shown me nothing but kindness and gratitude. It was the first place that I ever worked at that put the needs of their staff at the utmost importance. They appreciate everyone so much and always make it a thing to remind us of that. And the parents of the kids I take care of are so nice too! It’s not easy putting your kids in the hands of other people’s care but they do it and they make parenthood look like a piece of cake. Anyways, I just appreciate the church I work for and all my kids that I take care of. I am a little sad that I am missing months of their growth. To my CC family, thank you.❣️*