Blog Posts

Learning The Human Game

I urge you all to sit and listen to this, take notes! I randomly came upon this video tonight and it propelled me into the right direction of learning my true purpose in life.

Through certain kinds of human contact with people who have the gift of therapy, you can absorb their wisdom like you absorb the virtues in vitamins. But don’t be anxious about it and try to define the whole thing.

Thankful for Ms. Danger and Larva tonight for always being ready to listen to my new revelations! If it wasn’t for the people that are closest to me, I would honestly think I’m crazy. But they remind me to believe in my crazy. Like Watts said in the video, “You have to be a bit gooey and don’t be ashamed of it.” So this is me, embarking on my journey of embracing all the crazy within me.

My word of the week (last week) was: mediocrity. I don’t get mad at a lot of things but one thing I learned that really does rub me the wrong way is mediocre people gaining high praises while those who are extraordinary are brushed off and forgotten about. It’s the compassionate people who sort of pushed to the side because we rather not argue or make a fuss about something. Whereas, subpar people sort of pushing themselves onto others, actively seeking high regard from others, even if it means they go about it in a less than a moral route. That might not be coming off correctly but I’m trying. For example, our world would be nothing without janitors, farmers, teachers. Yet their jobs are looked down upon while CEOs or people of that sort are put on a pedestal. I’m just saying, I know working on a field wouldn’t be my first choice so let us please, give more respect to others who do the jobs most people wouldn’t.

As always, ACAB. Abolish the system. Black Lives Matter. Give Native Americans their land back.


Charles Butowski

June 22, 2020

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