Blog Posts

Letting Go of Worry, Or At Least Trying To

Hey Siri, play “Hey There Lonely Girl” by Eddie Holman

My playlist of oldies that soothes my heart and releases me of all worries ๐Ÿ™‚ Press shuffle, play, and then close your eyes and just be in the moment of letting your body relax to some really beautiful music. Give yourself every ounce of love you have because you deserve it!

A mini-rant for this early Friday morning! This blog piece is just me getting my anxiety off my chest so I don’t burst. I feel like my life is just one big collage of inspiration all around me. I get so much inspiration from my own words and the words of others. If you were to go through my camera roll, you would find selfies (because I won’t be this young again so I must capture my youthful dream look now), pictures of my pets, vision boards, and quotes from all types of sources. Words are so powerful and carry so much meaning and feeling. They are carried and passed down throughout lifetimes. Whenever I notice my mood to be dropping, I go straight through my camera roll and let the calmness of my dreams hold me. And now, I go to my blog to release my anxiety!

My cousin, Jelly, sent this to me this morning ๐Ÿ™‚ Can you tell my primary love language really is words of affirmations?

You know at the end of the day, it could all be so damn simple if we just stopped thinking about the “What if’s” and stopped giving people the power to have an opinion over our own life. It’s 2020 and we are following our dreams no matter what.

I’ve been meditating since middle school but I’ve taken meditation way more seriously these last few months. My intention for each meditation is always different, whether it be for balancing my chakras or simply just calming my anxiety. And let me tell you! It has been so incredibly helpful for my worries. It’s not easy though, like at all. When I get worried, all my anxiety sits in my chest and travels all throughout my body making me incredibly nauseated. And I don’t take my anti-anxiety medication anymore so I’m really facing all my fears and worries head-on. This is just so funny to me because I was so scared of the anxiety before and now well, I’m still scared. I’ve just learned that anxiety comes from our ego, not our intuition. Our ego gives us that feeling where we just want to crumble up because we feel like nothing will work our way and that we don’t deserve our wishes to come true. But our intuition, it is calming and embracing. It holds your hand in making the correct decisions for your path. Your intuition will never lead you astray.

Jelly sent this encouraging message to me and it completely warmed my heart. I have the best supportive team in the world!
Lol laughing at myself is literally my favorite form of therapy ๐Ÿ™‚

The secret to life: everything has already been done and everything has already been said. That’s it. The thing that is holding you back from doing what you need to do is the idea that you need to be doing something super unique or a certain way. But trust, collaborate, and share your ideas the way you want! It’s also important to remember that what is supposed to happen, will happen, no matter what. If it is divinely guided and meant for you, it will come to you. And if it never comes, then it just wasn’t meant for you.

You know, it also really doesn’t freaking help that we’re going through a pandemic right now and freaking California is on fire. How am I supposed to frolick in the grass if the sky is filled with smoke? I’m really trying my freaking best to not feel guilty for being sexily unemployed while experiencing a pandemic and my state being on fire. We’re going through a freaking national crisis and so many people are dying yet we’re so expected to accept this as “normal” but none of this is normal. Yes, natural disasters happen and pandemics can’t be avoided, but just the simple fact that we are expected to get up every day and still work these 9-5’s when at the end of the day, these mass corporations don’t care about their employees. I’ve worked behind the scenes of businesses that make money and it’s completely maddening to me that these higher-ups only care about making sure all the books are in order rather than caring if their employees can afford their bills during a crisis. I just so look forward to the day where the money isn’t the primary goal anymore and that being a compassionate business becomes the norm. Remember kids, eat the rich!

When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.

โ€” Jean Jacques Rousseau, philosopher

Anyways, self-care and pacing myself have been really important. It’s really easy for me to get overly excited with so many things at hand so more often than not, I will forget to eat and take care of myself. Omg, let me not forget to mention that everything I have been doing lately all consists of being MINDFUL. We don’t talk about mindfulness enough which is such a shame because it’s something that is incredibly beneficial to one’s well-being. But that’s something that deserves it’s very own blog post for itself because it isn’t easy nor should it be taken lightheartedly.

Little things that made me smile:

This song!!
My sister wrote this about me when I was a toddler. I really am a force of nature.

Thank you so much for reading! I had some restless sleep last night so I’m going to make some breakfast and take a nap. May we all have a blessed day full of unconditional love!


Alexis ๐Ÿ™‚


Getting Back To The Basics

August 21, 2020

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