
I always struggled a lot with my confidence tbh. Not necessarily with insecurity, but just self-conscience about my “beauty.” I’m not saying I’m freaking flawless and just totally the hottest person on the planet, no not that at all. BUT I am beautiful! I love myself! I love my body and everything it can do for me. I love that when I look at my face, I can see both of my parent’s features in me. I love that I am a piece of my ancestors. Even though I love all that about me, I guess I always struggled with letting my confidence show. There’s always someone there to tell you you’re being “self-centered” or “conceited” when all honesty, I was just a really insecure kid growing up and now I love myself in all which ways possible, I just want to show that off! I don’t think there should be any backlash for being happy with one’s looks. So this is me learning how to love me out loud, unapologetically.

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