Morning Thoughts: Raising Vibrations, Revelations, and Perspective!
Siri play “She Knows” by Ne-Yo

Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone had a beautiful restful weekend, I know I did. I had this whole revelation yesterday and it was something that I was seeking for a while now but of course, you can’t force something to come to you. But it all happened after my daily morning FaceTime with my BFF, Sol. Actually, we ended up FaceTiming for 8+ hours but that’s beside the point.
Yesterday was my first time that I was ever able to fully release any tension I had in me and simply let myself be one with the flow of the universe. I’ve been on this whole spiritual journey since October. I was learning all about the importance of simply letting go of any and all worries to simply trust and believe that the universe has everything planned out for me and everything will turn out just how I want it. It’s about being able to raise one’s vibrations to run at a higher frequency than the lower ones around you. Our minds are so damn powerful yet most of us choose (some are simply unaware) to not tap into that power. I’m not saying everyone can and will do it, but I’m just saying, it would be very beneficial to one’s soul to raise your vibrations.
I was struggling with my self-worth and self-image a lot last week. I have this bad habit of making other people’s problems my own. If someone tells me that they’re having money issues, then I guess I am too! Something in me feels as if I now have to also be careful with my spending and I basically take over the idea that I also have an overspending issue. But the thing is that just because someone has a problem doesn’t mean you also have to be dealing with the same problem too. It’s okay to not have the same problems as someone else. It’s okay to do x, y, and z if someone else can’t do what you’re doing. I tend to make myself feel bad by comparing myself to others. I honestly don’t know why I do this, I don’t even think about it. This revelation might not seem like much but it means the world to me. Making people’s problems my own is something that negatively affects my mental health tremendously. If I see someone changing their way of being, I feel as if I have to do that as well. It weighs on me pretty heavily when I can’t do what others are doing but I had to learn that we are all on different life paths. Something that might be an issue for you may be easy for someone else. What might be easy for me might be difficult for someone else. It’s important to take a step back from you find normal and find perspective with it. Find a perspective on everything.
Perspective is the word of the week. What does perspective mean to you? For me, perspective means looking at something in a different eye. Being able to remove your ego and put your emotions to the side to look at something for simply what it is instead of what my brain (and its influences) is interpreting the subject as. I know the concept of perspective isn’t something new nor am I the first one to ever talk about it. But it is something that I have recently decided to really put the time into understanding. My friends Graziel, Maria, Sol, and I all sat down today after breakfast and just had a little chit chat time to check up on each other and lean on each other for support if need be. It was a really beautiful 2+ hour conversation over the devil’s lettuce and cups of tea. We took the time to just talk about the stressors in our life with each other chiming in to share how proud we are of each other for being able to break down our emotional walls and just be vulnerable. It’s not easy for any of us to be vulnerable. We were taught to suppress our emotions, take care of families, and never voice our issues. But suppressing emotions does more damage than anything. But the conversation with them was the purest thing that I could ever be apart of and it just makes me smile thinking back at all that we talked about because wow, we really are a powerful friend group! We work and go to school. We have our own cars. We can cook, file taxes, and whatever other boring adult stuff. We are strong young womxn holding our families together by a string in hopes to be able to heal the family’s intergenerational trauma one conversation at a time. We all have different but similar traumas and it’s a wonderful thing to be able to share our stories with each other. It goes a long way to do a simple mental health check-in with the people around you.
It’s a really easy thing to get caught up in one’s head. But it’s important to accept situations for what they are. There’s a tarot card I really like, it’s the “Surrender Denial” card. The card says “accept people and situations exactly as they are, without denying the difficulties. Then you can see things clearly and make the best decisions.” It’s a really beautiful saying and I believe it ties into having perspective. Having perspective means surrendering to healing and to having power. It is letting go of your ego in order to not compare yourself to others. Surrendering to the universe is the key to inner peace. It’s trusting that everything that comes into your life is for a reason. Whether it be a lesson or just a sign, the universe put them into your path for a reason. It’s taking the time to see things from a positive perspective.
It’s honestly much easier said than done. It takes time to get to a place where you can completely surrender to the universe. It’s scary and it goes against everything that we are taught. It’s a simple yet difficult thing to do when unlearning what you were taught. Our society is taught to just go full power mode through life. But that is stressful! It doesn’t benefit anyone to overwork yourself. Unless I guess that’s a kink of yours but to each their own. I think the best way to do all of what I’ve talked about, if you so wish, is connecting to your inner child. Live your life for yourself. Do everything and anything that makes you happy. You owe it to yourself to heal your inner child that was sadly put in the back burner during your life development. Connect to the joys in your life. Take the time to show gratitude to the universe and all it has given you.
I’m still getting the hang of this blogging thing. It’s a little nervewracking because this blog is my baby. I really believe I can help people. I’ve been through sh*t and I’m positive my perspective on things will help others. But the ego gets in the way at times and tells me negative things that I don’t necessarily want to repeat just because I am learning that our words have power. I want to give my words positive power, ya know? I have to give myself a pep talk in the mirror pretty often. I have to tell myself positive affirmations. I have to believe those positive affirmations. I am beautiful. I am wise. I am creative and prosperous. I am attracting unique and interesting ideas for blog posts. I am worthy of having a successful website. I am grateful for all the people who read and follow my website. I am a prosperity powerhouse magnet! These are a few affirmations I like to tell myself. My love language is words of affirmations so words mean everything to me. Words are power for me. Words are what I hold close to my heart. I keep every letter or birthday card people give me. Words feed my heart honestly. So I am constantly feeding my heart positivity, love, and kindness.
I hope you all enjoyed reading this post! I had some fun writing this and this is just a little preview of the conversations I have with my friends. We’re pretty freaking intellectual! My friend group consists of psychology, health, sociology, business, biology, and chemistry majors so we’re pretty well rounded. We’re going to make the world a better place so please stay tuned! Please feel free to take the time to leave a comment and share your thoughts or opinions with me! I love talking and sharing ideas with others.
“Don’t wait for the right conditions. All you need for your growth is available to you in this moment”
― Shri Radhe Maa