New Film Camera
The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it – basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near or with them.
— Charles Butowski
My brother is sort of cool now for getting me the best gift ever. I was out of a film camera for so long and I didn’t even realize how sad that had made me until I received this one. I got a rush of inspiration when I started to fidget around with the camera. I haven’t really taken many photos lately that make me want to share them with the world. They’ve just been pictures of the little trips my friends and I take. Lol, it might also be due in part to me being a little lazy to do the editing of photos and going thru that whole process. Anyways, I’m just thrilled to start shooting with film again! It does something to you, it gets your blood rushing and inspires you in ways you hadn’t thought of before. The only thing that’s sucky is how expensive developing film can be! I’m just saying, I don’t think everything in life has to be so pricey! And that more places should give out student discounts lol.
I look forward to capturing all my ideas and being able to share the final result with all of you. Also, this is going to be my first time using the Portra 800 film and I’m so excited, I’ve heard great things about it. I might be geeking out a little bit!!