Blog Posts

Okay I’m Back!

*My eyeliner skills?!? To kill for.*

Hey Siri play “Hopelessly Devoted To You” by Olivia Newton-John

I took a moment to get my life together and it worked out so, perfectly! The entire time I spent away I was just thinking about what I was going to write for my blog. I really want to share how I have co-created my life with the universe yet I haven’t found a way to perfectly get it all out into words for others to absorb. So here I am, freaking trying, just one step at a time. I’m just going to let things come out naturally, let it all go with the flow.

Here is something that helps me to remember just how important it is to really take time to work on one’s understanding of themselves: emotions can overflow if you don’t release them.

please watch!

I’m a little rusty on this writing thing but I’m sure I’ll get back into the routine of it all in no time. Or maybe I don’t want it to be a routine, idk. Nonetheless, whatever I do and how I do it, I’ll be kind to myself throughout the whole process. Which is a major improvement compared to the usual nitpicking I do of myself.

Oh yeah, the universe and I pulled some major magic tricks and poof, before I knew it, all that I have ever dreamed has become my reality. For example, having emotional stability has been my number one goal for a long time and I finally, like truly FINALLY, have emotional stability that I feel comfortable enough to mention and ride. Little Alexis always dreamed of being happy with her life and now she is. I used to dream of being a writer, a photographer, a mom! And I am that and so much more. I may not have human kids but in the future when the time is right, I’ll be ready. But until then, I am more than overjoyed to be a animal mom. That truly fulfills me in more ways than I could ever describe. I’m a freaking writer, I have my own blog that I treasure so deeply. I am so proud of myself for making such a big leap into the unknown world of blogging. And if those dreams coming true weren’t enough, I am literally living my number one dream of being a photographer. I get to do it on a personal and professional level and that’s all I have ever wanted.

I used to think it would be impossible to live my creative dreams of being an artist with many hats. But thank god I was wrong! I guess I’ve somehow come to release myself of the mental traps that education had over me. I grew up with people telling me that I would only make something of myself if I go to college and get a degree. Which really sucks because it wasn’t until recently that I started going to school for myself rather than to just make my family happy. Plus, it drives me completely mad that our society seeks to make us all fit into one single mold with no room for personal expression. College is great but it’s not for everyone and that is okay. People should really do whatever they want without having to worry about how others will perceieve their life choices.

I guess one major thing I have learned about myself is that I am an open book yet I am also a very private person. I like to keep some details about myself private just so I can observe how people treat me before they know and after they know certain details. I’ve come to find out, and it’s no surprise, that a lot of people make some preconceived notions about you if they associate you with an action they don’t approve of. People just like to make quick judgements of others simply to project how they feel about themselves. Which has brought me to becoming a more private person who simply observes and grows in silence. And god, it is so nice.

My life is blossoming. The universe is blessing me with abundance in ways that I never even dreamed of. I don’t even worry about the future anymore because I am so grateful to even be alive in this very second that I would much rather spend my time living in the now rather than wasting my time worrying about nothing. I’ve worked hard to get my dream car and I am sooo happy and so damn grateful that I am in a place where I can give some extra numbers to my monthly car payment. That is something “small” that helps me feel successful and damn, does it feel so great! I literally get to make a living out of doing what makes me happy and for that, I am eternally grateful to the universe.

By remaining grounded and grateful for all that I have, that is me healing my family lineage. My ancestors worked so hard just so I can have the life that I have now so I owe it to them to honor myself by staying true to my heart and soul every day of my life. Some people don’t get the chance to make their dreams come true but I do, so I’m going to freaking do it. And well, I am doing it!

Sleepy Hollow

I get to develop and scan my rolls of film tomorrow and I am soooooooo excited. I’m currently trying out a Nikon 60006 camera and I used two rolls of film for that already. I’m curious to find out how it compares to my Canon AE-1. Ahh! My heart. Nonetheless, I’m just excited to see how my photos came out because I’m pretty sure that I might just have surprised myself with the shots.

I hope you have a wonderful week. You are loved and appreciated.


Alexis Mariah

Side note: I’m so in love with myself. I am so proud of myself too! I am just so wow, I have found some true beauty within myself and it feels so great. Like dang, I really am one of a kind! But most of the time, I’m just this weirdo who smiles way too much and laughs at the most random times. And sometimes, I am pretty freaking funny, lol.

Omg dude, I freaking forgot to mention how important it is to have fun!!! Just as serious as life can get at times, it is just as important to remember to not to take life so serious and just goof off when appropriate. Have some fun, skip your schedule, ditch your phone, and just do some things that nourish your soul. Drink some tea, watch your favorite show, read your favorite book, cuddle with your favorite beings, and cook all the food that your stomach desires!

Life is too short and tomorrow is never guaranteed so enjoy your present as much as you can before you lose the chance to ever do so again.

Got these cute new valve stem caps for Anita Baker!

Omg I should also mention, I got some cool new stamps that I am waiting to come in. They’re so cute, I can’t wait to share how they look. I also ordered some new books that I will purposely forget about until they come in because I need to be patient, lol. Oh, and the usage of my phone went down from 4 hours to 2ish hours. I’m pretty ecstatic about that. It really is about the little things in life.


Thriving and Vibing

October 14, 2020

Film Baby!

October 29, 2020

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