Blog Posts

Positive Changes I Have Made In My Life That Contributed To Bettering My Well-being

Mood stability is a lifelong journey, not a destination.

The literal meaning of life is whatever you’re doing that prevents you from killing yourself.

— Albert Camus
  • Make breakfast. Drinking enough water
  • Taking meds/vitamins daily
  • Eating healthier, trying
  • Talking openly to my family and friends. Most importantly, myself!
  • Journaling + tracking my moods
  • Cleaning and maintaining the cleanliness of my room
  • Making sure to get some form of exercise
  • Meditating
  • Making sure I get enough sleep
  • Going to class
  • Getting the help I need
  • Making sure I get enough sun
  • Not eating too late at night
  • Eating out less. Less processed food too
  • Eating in a way to stabilize me
  • Being kind and patient with myself
  • Being honest with my own limitations
  • Strict but flexible with my routine: trying to not fall off schedule often
  • Limiting my time on social media
  • Starting a blog: get something off my chest, share my experience
  • Not hating myself for waking up early
  • Listening to music. Singing. Dancing
  • Cutting out alcohol. Avoiding street drugs
  • Taking Pepper for walks. Cuddling with Odessa
  • Living my truth

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