The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide

If you know anyone who suffers from bipolar disorder and you care about them, I recommend taking some time to educate yourself on the disorder. It’s pretty lonely to deal with an illness alone, and it’s even lonelier when others around you don’t know what it is. So then you’re stuck constantly repeating yourself over and over again trying to get them to even understand 1% of what you deal with.
My bff, Sol, was the first person in my life to show me that I’m worth a lot! And if people really cared about me, they would do their part in educating themselves on my disorder. She was the one who made me feel important for the first time in my life because I didn’t have to ask her to educate herself, she chose to do it without me even asking!! How amazing is that, to have someone who cares about you so much that they are willing to take time out of their days to enlighten themselves so they have the proper tools and knowledge to be able to help you. Seriously though, how amazing is that!
It’s nice to know that you are valued enough that someone is willing to make your life a little bit easier even if it just means knowing the correct ways to support you, or that you don’t have to repeat yourself trying to explain what is going on in your head and why life is difficult. I long to have more people like that in my life! It’s a really beautiful thing. So please, have more open conversations with the people closest to you and ask them how you can be there for them in a way they would appreciate. Speak to their support language.