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The Domino Effect Of Therapy

I totally forgot I’m a person who goes to therapy! It’s been my normal since I was in high school (a wild child). To be honest, I hated therapy in high school. I hated it because well I was forced to go and had no other choice but also because it meant that if I wanted to heal, I would have to take responsibility for my own actions. I had to be okay with my f*ck ups. I could no longer hate myself for things I had done because I needed to move past that stress. I had to be accountable for my choices which aren’t easy at any age, let alone as a freaking teenager.

It’s worth mentioning that trauma really does block your memory so I don’t necessarily remember all that I learned in therapy. I do know that I have implemented a lot of things into my daily life so I have x amount of knowledge on therapeutic skills and I have therapy to thank for my stability. Alan Watts said, “Through certain kinds of human contact with people who have the gift of therapy, you can absorb their wisdom like you absorb the virtues in vitamins.” I get to pass down my knowledge to other people thus allowing them to grasp and understand that knowledge in order to be able to pass it down to others. A whole domino effect of therapeutic knowledge! How wonderful is that?

All this just came to my head this morning! I was telling Sol like holy damn, the reason our relationship together flows so well is that throughout my whole life, specifically during my times in therapy, I would always call Sol right after my appointments to discuss all that came up in my session. So it was like Sol was actually physically in my sessions with me learning and growing. You could say we have been practicing for about 5 years.

I’m just saying, I am really a grown ass woman who goes to therapy! Like how freaking cool is that, to be the type of person who takes time to better their own well-being just for the sake of their own happiness? I’d say that is pretty impressive. I have to give myself, and Solangel, props for learning to put our egos aside and to break the chain of generational trauma in our families. Lol, I would totally marry me. I’m pretty cool.

I guess this goes to explain why I am always telling Sol why we really need to give ourselves a little more credit because we’re doing pretty great at this game of life. We may not have it all but we have our souls so there’s that! People go to therapy but not everyone goes to therapy. So for those that do and actually put into action their lessons, well, I would say they’re doing pretty great because they are working through their traumas in order to be the truest selves they can be.

I have certain expectations for myself that I also hold of value for those that do enter my life. If I’ve worked through some of my traumas and what have you, I really do hope for my partner to be equally as “worked on” as I am. Someone as strong as I am! It’s like, I can help my partner be a better them but I’m also not their caretaker. They have to be responsible for their happiness just as I am responsible for my own. How sick is it to have grown mature loving relationships in all parts of your life.

I recommend this book to literally every single person!! My therapist and I worked through the book together

So go on and get some therapy! Become a better you so you can inspire those around you and they can inspire those that are around them and so on.

Ugh okay also, I take great relief in relaxing my nerves knowing that I now have standards for my partners because I freaking care about myself! I value myself. I only want the best of the best healing energy around me. It’s just nice knowing that mature Alexis no longer settles for less than she deserves which means, less stress! Mind you, I found one of my first white hairs last week and I swear I felt my life crumbling lol.

i will get to this very soon!

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Boundaries Baby!

July 11, 2020

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