
Beauty and Brains: The Face Behind The Blog

I’ve shared pictures of myself before but this is the first time where I actually truly like myself. Not to say I don’t like the other pictures but this just feels different! I think it’s because I actually love myself now. I truly love myself, deep down all the way into my core. I love myself even in the darkest of times. I love who I am, who I’ve become so far, and who I will become.

I do struggle with loving myself out loud out for fear of having someone come at me sideways since some have trouble understanding that it’s not okay to make someone feel bad for liking their looks. But whatever, if I want to share pictures of myself then let it be. If it bothers you then just don’t look lol. This is me learning to fearlessly announce my love for myself!

I solidified my school plans and decided that I want to go into the cognitive branch of psychology. Stanford has a great doctoral program for cognitive psychology 😉 Also just to be clear, I still have a lot of schooling to go but at least I have a dream school in mind now! It’s funny because as a little kindergartener, I remember telling my family that I was going to go to Stanford (or Cal) and now I get to make little Alexis proud and work hard on achieving the dream for the both of us.

Also contrary to what people think, and yes they do still think this way because it just happened to me yesterday, people CAN have BOTH the brains and beauty. Please people, stop trying to make ones “level” of attractiveness and level of intelligence correlate. It’s not going to happen. Get over yourself and please become secure enough within yourself to not make such comments towards people.


Alexis 💡



May 11, 2020

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