The Journey

12/30/2020 7:09PM

So for the past year, I have been documenting my life journey! This one journey has had numerous journeys within itself. It’s been a whole game of trying to balance everything that life had in store for me. I’ve committed to documenting the rest of my life journey and I want to share that with you all. I always needed someone to be honest about their life, not just mentioning the good thing but also mentioning the embarrassing things that we all go through. I just needed someone to relate to so that I could feel “normal.” So I’m doing this for little Alexis and for all those that need a voice. I hear you and I understand you. Your life is worth living. You are literal treasure, don’t ever forget that.

I am going to be sharing each journal entry and just putting it out there for the world to see because well, this is what I am being called to do so I’m just going to trust my intuition here. Like hmmm, maybe there really was a reason that I had to get back into journaling. I’ve always been a writer but after I fell into the black hole of depression, I lost touch with my creative passions. December 2019 was when I started getting back into the groove of writing. I used to struggle to get pen to paper. I would go days, even weeks without writing. And now a year later with some discipline along the way, I find myself writing every day so naturally. I’m always thinking about what thoughts to put down and ugh, it’s just such a beautiful thing to truly be aligned with my purpose.

Honestly, I’m not sure how long or how I’ll exactly be doing this but I’m just not going to worry about those details and just follow what comes naturally to me. So wish me luck! Let’s just say there can be at least one journal entry per blog post. There might be some posts that have multiple journal entries as some vary in length. We’re just going to go with the flow!

01/02/21 7:57pm

So I finished 4 journals this past year! I will be sharing each entry from each journal. But to keep things organized for myself and others, I am going to separate each journal into it’s own category (ex. journal 1 = el viaje 1). Enjoy 🙂

02/12/21 12:30pm

The category ‘The Key’ will include journal entries from my first ever journal that I consider to be a key to putting my life puzzle together. It’s the only journal I have that helps me remember where my journey began since it’s from 2014.

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