The Journey to Finding Your Home and Connecting to Your Highest Self
Okay I’m pretty excited to share this idea I had today! Might seem a little wild but hey that’s life and we all have our beliefs anyways so why not learn from each other. Plus I’ve been learning to trust my intuition and my intuition tells me that I’m on to something pretty good.
I’m not even sure where to start! Let me just say that I spend a lot of my time working on my well-being and that is a big deal because not many people are able to “fix” themselves. In my journey, I’ve grabbed information from all sorts of books, religions, spirituality, beliefs, movies, and freaking just life experience in general. And in that, I finally got my AHA moment. The moment where everything just makes sense and the whole puzzle of life is finally completed.
I’m not saying I know everything because that is impossible considering the universe is x amount of years old and there is just SO much information. And it’s also incredibly important to remember that we all have our own beliefs that we are meant to be flexible with! We all have free will and no one is forcing us to read or believe in anything, we get the option to choose what we want to listen to. Basically, take what you will. If it doesn’t apply, let it fly.
Anywho, I was listening to some TED talks today and I took some notes about what I have found personally useful in becoming this well, balanced person I am today. Now I do apologize for my messy handwriting, I honestly just get so excited lol. Actually, I totally want to get my handwriting analyzed. I think that is just so cool that someone could find out little details about you that you didn’t even know you carried in your handwriting.
Image 1: Failure is an option but it doesn’t have to be the outcome. It’s important to remember that our lives have already been planned out by the universe and in those plans, the universe does give us the freedom to be able to choose how to live our lives. In essence, life is just a journey full of doors and paths. Think of it as a board game! Do you want to stay stuck or move forward? Move forward, always. A little thing I like to call the triangle of death: pride, fear, and ego. Those three things can kill (literally and figuratively) us if we give them the power to. PERSISTENCE IS KEY. Keep learning and practicing until you get the results you were looking for. You will see that the end result of your persistence is overcoming the problem you thought was going to end your world, you become fearless. No matter what happens, you will get to the other side of your problems thus being more connected to the person you are meant to be. Life throws us these experiences to learn from and help us push us along our path. Without experiences, we would be stagnant and not even living. Get out of fear-based thinking. Start believing in yourself. Have faith in yourself and the universe.
Image 2: Persistence. Love. Courage. Positive mindset. Speak your truth. Intention. Action. Perseverance. Expand. Determination. Dream. Power to say yes and no. Co-create. Set yourself up for success. The foundation and stepping stones of your life are crucial to having the life you desire. Remember to tend to the little details because those are the most beautiful moments life can offer you. It’s good to dream and think of the future but it is of the utmost importance that you stay grounded and in the moment, at all times. Provide yourself with positive reinforcement because life is supposed to be FUN! We are spiritual beings in human bodies, life doesn’t have to be so serious all the time. We are supposed to ENJOY life. Leave out the fear, worry, anxiety, and pain. Find your core being and you won’t ever have to worry about the outside world. Remember humans are emotional beings so remember to feel the feels but don’t get lost in the. Work with your brain. Love yourself. Make being mindful a lifestyle. Move in love. Celebrate life! Highlight your progress because you are doing an amazing job at living 🙂
After I finished up those notes, I started creating a vision board on Pinterest for my idea of a personal garden of Eden. I was adding all the details of what I think it looks like. And then I came across this idea! I decided to do a little map of it lol.

*It goes to say that I don’t identify with any religion. I’m definitely a spiritual woman but I also do believe that we can learn from religions sometimes. I grab a little bit from each lol. Before I begin my theory, I want to share the principles that helped me reach my conclusion.

The Four Brothers Meditation:
- In Balinese culture, it is believed that when each of us (Lagoh Prano, happy body) is born, we are accompanied by invisible brothers who are our guardians. Each brother has a name: Ango Patih, Maragio Patih, Banus Patih, and Banus Patih. In the womb, each brother is represented by a physical thing: the placenta, the amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord, and the waxy placenta that coat’s a baby’s skin. The parents of the baby then collect these materials and bury them in a coconut shell in front of their home. The brother’s spirits are represented by four virtues that are key to a safe and happy life: intelligence, friendship, strength, and poetry. In short, by living a virtuous life, we will have a happy life.
Law of One:
- All things and beings are one. This makes sense considering energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so we’re all just remnants of the beginning of time. We are all interconnected.
The 7 Hermetic Principles:
- The Principle of Mentalism: All is mind; The universe is mental.
- The Principle of Correspondence: As above, so below; as below, so above. As within, so without; as without, so within.
- The Principle of Vibration: Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates
- The principle of Polarity: Everything is dual; Duality is life, Life is duality; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.
- The Principle of Rhythm: Everything flows, out and in; All things rise and fall
- The Principle of Cause and Effect: Everything has a consequence. Every effect comes with a cause, and every cause comes with an effect
- The Principle of Gender: Everything has a masculine and feminine side
7 Laws of Attraction:
- Law of Manifestation: Anything we put our focus and energy on will come to be in our reality
- Law of Magnetism: You are a magnet for whatever is on the same frequency as you are
- Law of Desire: Make sure your intentions are aligned with what you are seeking
- Law of Balance: Balance ourselves by being in the moment and staying grateful
- Law of Harmony: We are all connected to each other and everything else in the universe, tap into that power
- Law of Right Action: Basically karma, how you treat the world around you will come right back to you so always check yourself before you wreck yourself
- Law of Universal Influence: The frequencies of the energies around us affect us all so be mindful of your thoughts and stay positive

The Marriage of the Sun and Moon:
This takes place when the heart and mind are joined in eternal union. It occurs when the positive and negative poles within are united, and from that union is made the Philosophers Stone (connection to our highest selves).
My idea: The Philosopher’s Stone is the pineal gland, which is our third eye. Thus meaning, when we come into union with ourselves and our destiny, we open our third eye THUS MEANING, we are CONNECTED TO OUR HIGHER SELVES.
My theory: To start, the universe is just one big cycle of life. In my spiritual journey, I learned about the Law of One, the 7 Hermetic Principles, the 7 laws of Attraction, the Four Brothers Meditation, and the marriage of the sun and moon. The story of the garden of Eden comes from that being where Adam and Eve were but then got kicked out because religions like to put blame on women and leave men not taking accountability for their actions. It is said that you can find the garden of Eden where one river splits into four. I interpreted this in a nonphysical sense. Considering we are all one and connected, we are the river. We ARE the garden of Eden. We are one with ourselves when in the womb because we have yet to experience life. But as soon as we come out of the womb, we are split into 4 rivers, which are our brothers, our 4 virtues that guide us through our life journey. The universe throws us into the wide-open spaces but it doesn’t just leave us hanging, it gives us tools that we must find ourselves to help us dig out from the bottom.
The garden of Eden is essentially our home considering we all descend from Adam and Eve. And taking into account that we are all one, we are all Adam and Eve. They are essences we carry within each and every single one of us. We are the four brothers, the four virtues. We are ALWAYS connected to our highest selves, we just lose the connection when we go through life.
We are intelligence, friendship, strength, poetry. We are all mirrors and reflections of each other. We are love and anger, compassion and envy. We are the 7 deadly sins and the 4 horsemen. Everything is just a vibration, an essence we carry within us. But we are blessed to have free will and we get to choose how we want to live our lives.
Any evil can come to us because it is within us BUT those evils function on a low vibration so by staying at a high vibration by being positive and moving with love, you are then less susceptible to the evils in the world. And as long we continue to transcend and lead with our hearts as well as our intuition (third eye, Philosopher’s Stone), we can make this world a better freaking place. It just takes a tremendous amount of work on all of our parts but it is possible.
That doesn’t go to say that we can completely escape the evils in life because well as I stated before, we are all one with everything. We just need to actively choose the more positive warm side. It also goes to say that life is just filled with cycles. We are always going to have to fight the good fight but thank the freaking universe that we stand a chance in the first place because we carry the pure compassion within each of us.
On the note of the cycles of life, we were home once (before being born) and now we aren’t (because we were born, lol) so we must go on the journey of finding our home, our core. And once we do connect to our core we connect to our highest selves which means we will come to realize that everything we were seeking and longing for was in us the entire time.
In all of this learning, I’ve come to the conclusion that everything is literal and fictional. It’s up to you on how you want to interpret life. It’s incredibly important that nothing is set in stone. We are blessed to have so many options and choices to choose from so let’s focus on the greater good for us all and always choose love and light. Remember, connecting to your highest self is beneficial to you AND the entire world because by raising your vibrations, you are also raising the vibrations of the world.
Oh! I know you may be wondering well what to do after you find your home, after you connect to yourself and well for that I must tell you that it is all up to you. If you are connected to your highest self then you have connected to your destiny and only you yourself knows what that looks like. So go ahead and start fulfilling your destiny and remember to have so much freaking fun along the way!
I hope you are all able to take something from this even if it just be that you simply start being kinder to yourselves. I can’t emphasize it enough that we owe it to ourselves and those before us to fulfill our destinies and make all our wildest dreams come true. So please make sure to figure out who you are at your core and just live the life you want.