Blog Posts

To My Ex’s and Could-Have-Been Ex’s

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.

— Maya Angelou

It is time that I release myself from you. I have to let our connections go so that I can make room for my true divine love to come into my life. I am ever so thankful for all the memories we share. Though there was hurt in the connection, there were also fond caring feelings as well. You all taught me that I actually CAN love unconditionally. I wasn’t “in love” with you, but I had a tremendous amount of care for you.

For some, I was just filling up some empty space in my heart because I hadn’t found myself yet. For others, thank you for creating a safe space for me to learn how to love. If it wasn’t for my strength and guidance from my ancestors and angels, I would have stayed even after all the hurt. I am a true ride or die but I also know my worth. And I also have boundaries now. Some of you hurt me worse than others but at the end of the day, I survived it all and came out a much better woman. I probably shouldn’t have messed with some of you or stayed for so long but I know it was all meant to be. And I enjoyed our time together.

You have all come from all sorts of walks of lives, teaching me all sorts of cultures and beliefs. I have explored all different parts of myself in some kind hands and that is all I ever could have asked for from any of my partners.

Thank you for having been a confidant in some of my toughest of times. Thank you for teaching me that I deserve to be heard. Thank you to those who let me get over my nervousness of cooking for someone, of sleeping with someone, of traveling to/with someone. Thank you for teaching me to really love and value myself and my beauty.

Thank you for everything!




Learning To Find My Word(s)

August 11, 2020

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