What Does Love Mean To You?
I think it’s important that we all understand what love means to us as individual beings. I love love and it breaks my heart to hear people talk so negatively about love. I understand how hard it can be to get back up after having your heart shattered but ugh, if you continue to speak so negatively about love then, of course, you’re only going to attract negative experiences in love.
I used to hate love. I used to believe that I was a person not made for commitment. And now, here I am believing that if I continue to believe in love and that I am worthy of true love, that it will happen one day. It’s not that isn’t happening, it’s all just happening behind the scenes. In divine timing, my divine love will come.
— Sol, the bff
Can we normalize being affectionate and loving each other? There needs to be a universal love movement. Self-love, love the kids, love those that hurt you, love those you haven’t even met yet. Just freaking spread the love, it’s simple.
Here are some questions that came up recently that I’ve been picking my friends brains with. I would love to hear your answers on any of these!
- How/when did you realize that you were ready and open for love?
- Do you believe in love?
- What is love to you?
- Does everyone have true love?
- How do you know that you are in love with someone?
- How does love make you feel?
- How do you feel about unions?
- Why are you single? Do you want to be with someone?
- Why are you in a relationship? Do you want to be single?
- What was your first experience with romantic love?
- What do you want in a partner?
- Is there anyone who has skewed (for better or for worse) your vision of love?
- When was the first time that you were taught about self-love?
- What are your boundaries in a relationship? In a friendship? For yourself? At work? For a stranger? With your family?
- What were your examples of “love” in your environment while growing up?
- What is trust to you?
- Do trust and love correlate?
- What is your love language? Apology language?
My pets were the ones who taught me what love, pure unconditional love, can be. I came out of the womb having pets in the family so I’ve been surrounded by unconditional love for so long and it is truly so beautiful. Until I find someone who gets so excited as my dog, Pepper, gets when she sees me, then I’ll just be minding my own business.

People need to really revaluate their relationship with love and get to the core of their beliefs surrounding love. How are your views different than the views society has forced you to have? Take away the projections you have heard from outside sources, how do YOU truly feel about love? I can promise you that when you get to the core of it all, you will see that it is all a reflection of how you feel about yourself.
I have had so many people tell me how they view love so negatively after x amount of experiences and it really takes me a step back. It’s saddening that people focus on all the negatives of love. And I do understand how hurtful it can be for someone to betray your trust or whatever but at the end of the day, you get the power to choose what kind of people you want in your life. You get to choose your boundaries. You get to choose what you want and don’t want to put up with. It just takes accountability, time, patience, and strength.
Pain in inevitable. Suffering is optional.
— Haruki Murakami
Anywho, I want to keep this short. I hope you all can take some time to sit with these questions and answer them for yourself. Please feel free to share your answers too! Sol and I are doing this whole thing and want to gather people’s opinions on love. Thank you. 🙂