
Yosemite baby

My trip to Yosemite National Park in December of 2018. My friend Ashley and I decided to just do a random last-minute little road trip in my car and we ended up here! That day was well amazing. But when you get two Gemini’s together, ideas happen. We finished up with Yosemite around 3pm. We weren’t ready to go home yet so us being so smart, decided it would be smart to drive all the way to Disneyland! In Anaheim! That was like 5 hours away! Long story short, we got there with a few hours to spare. We stood in the ticket line for an hour, we were only going to have one hour in the park so we decided it would be smart to buy season passes since well we drove all the way to LA, we were going to make it worth it.

So my year of 2019 was spent going to Disneyland every month! Really fun, I got to explore LA all the time. Road tripping definitely makes my inner child happy, plus it’s just so nice living in California, you can drive anywhere in a day. What a better way to bond with someone than being forced in a 6-7 hour car ride together, especially during the summer!


Birth chart

April 10, 2020

Bay Area

April 10, 2020

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